in GLS³

Virtual Collections

Virtual Collections are like directories, but their contents are retrieved in run-time based on the current state of your Documents.


Tag your Documents for easier retrieval. Browse your Documents based on the Virtual Collections you create, or the Tags you assign.

As-You-Type Searching

The high-responsiveness and efficiency of GLS³ allow you to receive results as you type the search query.

Unconstrained, and Constrained Search

Perform a free search on all your information, including the metadata, tags and content, or limit your search to particular criteria. Boolean queries, wild cards and more features in a rich search syntax provide you with a greater flexibility in constraining your data.

Pseudo File System

glscubefs, a component of GLS³, is a user-level file system that encapsulates the features of GLS³ in a traditional file system interface, providing a backward-compatibility interface so that current applications would not have to be changed or recompiled.

For All Desktop Environments

GLS³ is not written for KDE, for Gnome, or any specific desktop environment, but rather, is designed to be generic and not dependent on any particular desktop environment.

Movable Devices

Take away some storage device managed by GLS³ from one system and add it to another, and there, it is automatically registered and made available to its user without a requirement for rebuilding the indexes.

Shared Storage

Application Developers can use Record Documents to store their information, rather than creating additional file formats, and thus making their information available to all applications on the system.

Fast, Incremental Indexing

GLS³ updates its indexes only when you update your Documents. It also employs a filtering mechanism to decrease the system load; by grouping, delaying or canceling specific updates to the indexes.

Web Interface

Used by GLS³ to provide rich organization and presentation capabilities.

Type System

In GLS³, a ''file'' is abstracted by a Content Document, a database row as a ''Record Document'', and the traditional directories are replaced by those whose results are dynamic, based on a query associated with them. All Documents are of some Type, and each Type is described by an XML schema.

Plugin Architecture

Allows Developers to easily extend the GLS³ Type System to add support for additional file formats.


A C++ API that allows Developers to add GLS³'s searching and organization functionality in their applications.


GLS³ is Unicode-aware, so it would speak your language.

Extracts metadata from...

OpenOffice Calc, OpenOffice Impress, OpenOffice Writer, PDF, JPEG, WAV, MP3 and AVI. And more to come soon...